<Japanese Text is here/日本語はこちら>
I facilitate AWASEed workshops where participants experience this concept through body movements and linguistics, focusing on a variety of contradictions on both personal and social levels, and regarding those contradictions as potentials instead of problems. Participants perceive “contradictions” as negative, but when not consciously deliberating their actions, their bodily movements become natural. The participants’ performance show that creativity in the conflict goes beyond the intellect and become manifested in the body. The process to enjoy contradiction changed static perception to dynamic recognition.

Who can join the workshop?
Everybody who feels interested is simply very welcome to participate.
Experience of performance or dance is not necessary.
Student/Business Team/Local Community/Cultural Exchange/etc…

Where you can organize the workshop?
The workshop can take place classroom, office space, and any space if participants can fully move their body.
I can contact the studio if you need space as well.

I have a space and want to organize the AWASEed workshop. How much for the cost?
Until the end of 2018, you can invite the AWASEed workshop with the trial price.
15euro/person for 1.5hour class
*Minimum 4 participants required.
*Transportation fee will be charged separately.

Workshop at International Institute of Social Studies – Nov.2018 Den Haag

Workshop at DCR Festival – May.2018 Den Haag